Enterprises to implement ERP, not only money, but to pay attention and time.
Enterprise ERP software to buy not only more effective application of the future.
Select ERP software is the first step to success.
Selection of the most important is to use the software experience and reason to discover the possible risks and errors.
ERP is like a "monster" because of its application and bring a more obstacles and successfully rate is not high, so many people afraid of him; and because it is enterprises (especially large enterprises or enterprise groups) be achieved with information-oriented modern management is almost the only way, and forced many people had to go close to it, study it, apply it.
For a specific company, plans to implement an ERP system at the time, always to consider the risks? How to control it? The only way to succeed in the expected period. Many risk factors for ERP in this, the authors discuss only in the selection, as a result of emotional bias or subjective in the risks.
In the ERP selection, the most likely guilty of a subjective error is, in several important selection factor, because of their subjective interest (such as professional orientation, social relations tend to price-driven selection tendency is attention to self, etc.), only concerned with one or two factors, the exclusion of other important factors, thus leaving a lot of hidden dangers.
XX mine, is 80 years the largest joint venture in China, the United States, Dr. Hammer and Mr. Deng Xiaoping personally set the Sino-US cooperation project, jointly invested nearly 600 million U.S. dollars, 15 million tons of coal annually, is the largest coal export base. In 1985, the Arthur Andersen (Anderson) with the help of consultants, began to SSA enterprise management software systems as the main body.
The mid-nineties, in the mine, based on the preparation of the Second Mine, two mine employees and managers come from a mine, has a wealth of management experience and high professional quality of the coal in the whole system, leading , is the most promising one of modern surface mine.
Early in 2098, two mines beginning software selection, software selection was set goal is to: SSA, XXXX and MARCAM company implemented include: finance, equipment management.
Overview of the three companies as follows:
MARCAM products:
Basically, the demand for products to meet customer, product and opening up is good, supporting platform and more affordable.
SSA products:
Products to meet customer needs better, stable and reliable hardware platform for poor working conditions, there is a mine of experience, the lesson is strong, but higher prices.
XXXX products:
Products can basically meet customer demand, lower prices, but the product complex, difficult to implement, lack of flexibility.
In several key factors, the selection group, the emphasis on the price and the company's performance, ignoring the risk and the possibility of success, at that time have found a company in the bid price of misleading, only partially correct (ie only corrected Lic.'s price undertakings, and for the service on offer, though there are already aware, but for large company's "trust" and the payment method from the view that effective control, but failed to get to the bottom). Moreover, in the selection process, there is always a kind of catch the "big" blindness, simply think the biggest is the best.
By the end of August 2098, XXXX software successful. . . . . .
September 2099, a year has passed since the implementation of complex products and, not much progress, non-payment of nearly 1.5 million software costs, difficulties in co-operation. In October, the two sides re-negotiation, conclusion is that customers need to re-training, and suppliers ask for payment of training fees, consultation stranded (at this time has been very difficult to "distinguish" the responsible party), the project team leader has been replaced, the main leadership of the mine and implementation of staff (including professional offices at the division's managers) are greatly dampened the enthusiasm.
By the end of October, two senior leaders personally mine to find new solutions.
This is a selection error as a result of the failure of ERP project examples, we see that in the selection, the focus on supplier performance is correct, because the only choice is a healthy development of the software vendors, business interests to get long-term guarantee. But the biggest risk factors are ignored, and this is the product and the difficulty of implementation, and product flexibility, if the product is too complex and beyond the enterprise's capacity will be doubled difficult to implement, coupled with not enough business back-up financial support, no experience in guiding the implementation process, resulting in many areas, time and energy will be beyond the control of delay.
All aspects of the coal mining industry in terms of finance, the financial industry is much simpler than, the situation from the two mines which we can see the seriousness of complex software difficult to implement. In addition, if the system is too complicated, lack flexibility, enterprise IT departments need a strong line-up with RUN up to it.鍚﹀垯锛屼紒涓氱殑IT浜哄憳鎺屾彙涓嶄簡瀹冿紙灏ゅ叾鏄蒋浠舵敼鍙樻椂鎵?渶瑕佺殑鏂规硶鍜屼簩娆″紑鍙戝伐鍏凤級锛岄偅涔堬紝灏嗘潵浼佷笟涓洪?搴斿競鍦洪渶姹傚彂鐢熺殑鍙橀潻鑰屽鑷寸殑杞欢鐨勮皟鏁翠笉寰椾笉缁х画渚濊禆浜庝緵搴斿晢锛岃繖涓嶄粎浼氬鍔犱紒涓氱殑璐圭敤鏀嚭锛岃?涓旓紝闅忕潃甯傚満鐨勫彉鍖栵紝褰撲紒涓氱殑缁忚惀绛栫暐锛堜緥濡傦細缁勭粐鏈烘瀯銆佷笟鍔℃祦绋嬨?鐢熶骇鏂瑰紡銆佽绔犲埗搴︺?鏍哥畻鏂瑰紡绛夛級鍙戠敓鏀瑰彉鑰岄渶瑕佽蒋浠朵綔鍑哄揩閫熻窡杩涙椂锛岃蒋浠跺弽鑰屼細鎴愪細浼佷笟鍙戝睍鐨勨?闅滅鈥濄?
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